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It Is Hunting Season Everyday When You Are The Devil Of America - I Am A Hunter - I Hunt Down Terrorists & Gang Bangers Until The Day I Die

'I Am The Devil Of America Foundation' was started by an American woman who has and still is, being gang stalked by terrorists and gang bangers. No one would believe me, called my a liar, lazy, loser, bigot, racist, discriminator, . . . dissed my ass, but I kept going, because I was right.

I never even knew there was such a creature on earth called a terrorist, until 9/11. But now I do, through a personal experience finding out I have been gang stalked by terrorists and gang bangers, probably since 1980? When I realized what was going on, I was angry, but not as angry as I am today. 

The anger I have today, is enough to radically rip heads of with my bare hands. The amount of heads that need to be ripped off, is enormous. Those who are stalking me, don't tell me who I am after. My stalkers are extreme controllers and manipulators, who truly believe they own me, run my life and mind.

But it is just their thinking, not mine. I do not sanction them in any manner. It has been me against them and all they pitted against me, for quite some time. I am an absolute egoist, who runs her life and mind. They harm people that have helped me, so I had and have to be careful. I know these creatures! Don't I!

My foundation will assist those that have been targeted by terrorists and gang bangers. Also standing up against them, hunting them down, ridding America of them. They not only target Americans, also good citizens from their country of origin, in America and back home. I know them!
