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Daily Notes Of What Islamic Terrorists, Gang Banging Stalkers And Their Clan Bangers DO!

It must be nice to have so much power to coerce governmental employees to do things for you, while you blame the Queen of England, the white person, the church, . . . mustn't it? How many times have your clan bangers turned the lights off, in your lights off fuck show, while you blame everyone, but yourself? What does lights off mean? What is the symbol of lights off?

It must be so nice to have your clan bangers drive over (6TZJ810 silver Toyota) to the ASL and pantry, to talk on their phones, like they are so goddamn fucking important and try and give me a nasty fucking towel (blue) to indicate fucking WHAT? As the world turns in your primitive fuck show?

And I would bet you and your clan have something to do with the yellow caution tape at the Susi Q around one parking space? What is that for? A symbol of what is to come on Easter, because you Islamic filthy fucking scum hate Christians? Can you imagine the primitiveness of you and YOUR fucking scum trash fuck show? I can, been screaming about it for a very long time.

No one would listen to me. I got one filthy, loud fucking mouth because I am not religious, nor mystical and have no remorse for trash talking you fucking SCUM! Not worried about retribution, don't care if I am killed in the process, because 'I Am Right,' that is all that matters. Not out here to debate religion, I am only out here because of grave, oppressive injustice, by evil fucking dirty filthy Islamic fucking scum, gang bangers and their clans.


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