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Daily Notes Of What Islamic Terrorists, Gang Banging Stalkers And Their Clan Bangers Do!

Last night when I was at the end of Ocean hanging out, Ross the parking cop was walking out of work with a single bag like the above. My question to all claiming England is destroying America! Why don't you all protest against England? Why do you bash Trump, if England is the problem? Why are you afraid to speak out against England, but not Trump? Why are you afraid to stand by me, but speak out against Trump? Lots of questions for you?

Then after I saw Ross with the British bag guess who I saw strolling towards me down Ocean? The little guy who used to have an older girlfriend or wife, walking by himself with his little black and white dog. The little guy that likes to wear really tight wife beater shirts, the size of a child. That guy. When I saw him coming towards me, I went on the other side of the street and was saying something about a stalker.

This morning I saw the guy who rides his bike by me when I stand over at the library, trying to stay out of the hair of locals and keep my cool. Now he has a tendency to say things to me. I promise you, I am not your friend. You and your gang are the reason I am angry at my country. But I Am NOT your friend, NEVER will be.

There is a woman that has a similar appearance to Monica that has been walking by me in the morning when I am standing on Forest right by Kush Gallery. This morning she walked by me around 8:30 AM. She has a heavier face than the picture above. But has a similar appearance to Monica's long face. Since the area I am in has a big presence of Iranians, it is possible that might be her. She is about 5'6" and weighs probably 140-150 or so.

My sign that I don't respect America, is not to promote those who initiated the force against my life. Iranians are the reason I continue on. Because I am over Americans feeling sorry, being scared, and not being able to get justice for the crimes done, by Iranian sandnigger Shiite muslims and their clan bangers.

I am over these Iranians and their clan being so entitled in America. And I stand up to them, get in their face, protest against them,  . . .  all by my fucking self because I want my justice. Americans it is time to END this entitlement fuck show going on in America by Iranian sandnigger muslims and their clan bangers. I stand all alone against you mother fuckers, because I am So fucking OVER your filthy fucking scum.


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