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Emily's List Two Word Motto - Ignite Change? Really? What Kind Of Change Are You Talking About? Cause I Have Been Living The MOST Primitive Life In America, While You Represent Scum Fuck Women & Men - Not Once Did YOU Stand By Me!

Why did you not stand by me one time, not once in all these years? What are you afraid of? I thought the women's movement is about CHOICE, the choice of the woman. Not FORCE. What are you going to FORCE on me? Who are you going to FORCE on me?

If you women seriously believe this is acceptable behavior by Iranian muslims and their cohorts, you do not believe in the rights of a woman, nor the rights of anyone. You believe in control and manipulation in the utmost form. I did not set out like Susan B. Anthony or the others to be an advocate.

I became a personal representative of myself, because I have been suffering great oppression in America, while you stand by scum. Been seeking justice since 2005 women, it is 2019 where in the living fucking hell have YOU been? Who did you promote, while I have been living in evil fucking hell?

The same people that have had me in hell? The primitive fuck that act like patriots, lovers of liberty, freedom, rights, choice, . . . and are frauds. Neither you, nor they, nor anyone runs my fuck, nor tells me who my enemies are.

The most twisted fucking bullshit show is going on around my good life in America and I am so OVER this shit show. So over this country and what you are doing to my good life, because all of you were STUPID Fuck!

I have to continue to suffer and you wouldn't give me asylum because YOU were stupid fuck! How fucked up is that picture? Making me look like a piece of shit, when in reality YOU were the dumb fucking idiot! While you continue to enjoy life, how evil is this fuck show?

Not giving me asylum was as stupid and evil as it gets! I don't deserve to suffer one more goddamn fucking second, because of your ignorance, stupidity, incompetence, negligence, . . . All the money in the world, would not make up for what you did to my mind. While I watch you enjoy life.

This entire picture is fucked up as it gets, by all. You tell me someone is destroying America and do NOTHING fucking EVER, but complain about it, while continuing to enjoy your fucking life. And watch me live in the evilest mental hell ever. Destroying my good mind, and using your dumb one!

I am not just mad at the women in America, I am mad at everyone. Isn't it fun, isn't it all fun and games, huh fucks? Enjoying your life, telling me someone is destroying America, watching me live in HELL, isn't it fun the whole fucking picture. No, it is very disturbing, pathetic and outrageous.

You people, have a truly demented way of living life, solving problems that you did not acknowledge, . . . you seriously do. Thinking I am doing this to go directly into a reality relationship, tops the cake. Never been out here for a relationship, fucking EVER!

But I am mad at those who won't give me fucking justice, just as much. There are more ways than one to solve fucking problems, and I promise you I ain't into your way either. You are at fault also in this picture, maybe not as much, but to some degree absolutely.

Want to get a gun and blow my brains out in front of all of you, that is how fucking OVER you all I am. That is how seriously fucking OVER this true shit ass show I fucking am. This show on my life, my mind and my health is beyond outrageous as all fuck. While you enjoy life! And you seriously think I am sitting here waiting for fucking you, that is the most amazing shit as all get up.

I should not HATE you, I should respect you for your bravery and courage, I should sit here and wait for you to lie to me again and again, . . . and never stop lying, . . . while you all enjoy fucking life, playing games with mine and my mind every fucking day. How stupid, ludicrous and EVIL that fucking really is.

Rather be DEAD like the hero Chris Kyle! Keep the self righteous importance you need for your demented ego, the unearned fame, honor, glory, confidence, cash, . . . to many good people have died at the hands of the not intelligent for way too long.

Should have been a real war long ago right fucking here, but cowards fight like cowards! I am not, nor have I been living in hell, while you enjoy life, For YOU!


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