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Showing posts from February, 2019

I Can't Get A REAL ID To Fly, While Being Stalked At The DMV By The Terrorists I Have Been Screaming About Since 2005 - You Can't Make This Shit UP! Show Up Sandnigger!

I.S.I.S. I Can't Get A REAL ID Because Of You - You Terrorists Made It Hard For Real Americans Mother Fuckers

How long have I been screaming about terrorists, to no avail? Terrorists and gang bangers who have made national security a problem because of plane bombings, building bombings, arson, blowing people up, stalking, destroying lives like mine, . . . So a REAL American suffers. While you fly planes, get on commercial flights, trains, buses, . . .  I can't get a real fucking ID mother fuckers. Because it takes extra forms of ID to get a real ID, because of all the shit terrorists and gang bangers have done, in America and to Americans. I let the DMV worker know, I was not happy about this. Back when I started seeking justice in 2005, it was much easier to get on a plane, train, bus, but now in 2019 due to all the evil that has happened, it is much harder. So all these years of me seeking justice for terrorists, and my rights and life being ruined, these mother fuckers scream about travel bans. They should fully, forcefully and strictly enforce travel bans and make it hard for

America, England, The World I Am Sitting Here Waiting To Be Taken By Force By An Islamic Fuck I Told To Get The Fuck Out Of My Life - Watch What The Fuck I Do! I Will KILL The Fuck! No Games With No One!

Alireza Fatemi Is Linda Sarsour, Gloria Allred, Brigette Gabriel, Ensaf Haidar, . . . Your Girlfriend, Wife, All Your Wives? Huh Islamic Fuck? How Many Wives And Kids You Got?

Everything I Say, Write And Do The Sandnigger Islamic Stalker And His Clan Think It Is For Them - It's NOT! But Since America And England Like Playing Radical Games With My Life - WATCH! I Promise I Got NO GAME!

Alrieza Fatemi, Ed Gomez And Clan Banergs When Are You Taking My Life Over By FORCE? Fucking When Sandnigger? Huh Sandnigger, When?

Alireza Fatemi, Ed Gomez And Clan Bangers Keep Thinking I Write, Say And Do Shit For YOU And Watch What The Fuck Happens Sandnigger And Clan Bangers - When Are You Going To Take My Life Over By Force Sandnigger? That Will Be The END!

A Message To Parents Bringing Their Kids To The Library And Use Them As Pawns I Got NO Fucking Game Fucks, NONE! Be SCARED!

To the Asian man and his son being tutored by a military veteran, be scared as all fuck with me and all the rest I have been watching. Take this message serious fucks. This is NOT your life, nor do you run any aspect of my life and this is a THREAT ! I am fucking over you stalking me and trying to indicate good American military veterans are the problem, YOU  are foreign fuck ! This is a vicious fucking threat. You are stalking me acting like I am your friend and I don't even know your evil trash fucking scum , nor ever want to. Do you fucking get me? You will. There are videos and cameras watching the entire fuck show in the library, all you stalking scum using your kids as pawns for your evil fuck show . Watch what I do and say next time you show the fuck up. I will get in your goddamn face and listen to what the fuck I say, do you get me? You WILL, watch! Show up Asian fuck and the rest! My country thinks my life is a joke, but I don't . And I have no game with one mo

It Is Hunting Season Everyday When You Are The Devil Of America - I Am A Hunter - I Hunt Down Terrorists & Gang Bangers Until The Day I Die

'I Am The Devil Of America Foundation' was started by an American woman who has and still is, being gang stalked by terrorists and gang bangers. No one would believe me, called my a liar, lazy, loser, bigot, racist, discriminator, . . . dissed my ass, but I kept going, because I was right. I never even knew there was such a creature on earth called a terrorist, until 9/11 . But now I do, through a personal experience finding out I have been gang stalked by terrorists and gang bangers, probably since 1980? When I realized what was going on, I was angry, but not as angry as I am today.  The anger I have today, is enough to radically rip heads of with my bare hands. The amount of heads that need to be ripped off, is enormous. Those who are stalking me, don't tell me who I am after. My stalkers are extreme controllers and manipulators, who truly believe they own me, run my life and mind. But it is just their thinking, not mine. I do not sanction them in any manner.